Language and culture


Printemps des poètes in Saint Germain de l'Esteuil / Klassisches Konzert in der Scheune der Auberts / Pantomime in der Schäferei von Benon / Museum des Tour de l'Honneur à Lesparre / Opernabend in Cantenac / Tango fuego au Pointe de Grave / Feria Landaise in Saint-Vivien / Jazz-Festival in Lesparre / Ausstellung im Château Loudenne / Rezitierabend in Vertheuil / Lieder auis dem Béarn in der Kirche von Vendays
© Vidéos du Nord-Médoc

Sometimes it is - in terms of ones own ethnocentrism - quite instructive to deal with a non-European cultural understanding.     Fished on the Internet:

"There is a West African proverb which says, “If you don’t taste the food, you do not know if the salt is there or not.”

It is like that with people. If you want to know what they are really like, you must get to know them. You get to know people through talking with them and understanding their ways.

• To help you survive and live there. .. to find food, to know what to do when problems come up

 • To make friends and know how to interact with different groups of people in the community.

 • To understand the rules people have; what they expect from other people and outsiders; how they work and what things they think are important in life 

• To learn about the problems and issues people face in their lives and how they deal with them. You want to work together with people,
to look at their problems, to find out what to do with them. This helps you learn what people believe. 

• To talk about things that people need to know, in ways you know they understand. The insiders may need to learn how to do things in new ways."

2018 From:

In Médoc you can meet people from many cultures and hear their languages: French, German, English, Dutch, médocainisch, okzitan ...     And you can also learn from them as they from us.